Thursday, November 20, 2014

Place Base Education [PBE]

Place Base Education, otherwise known as PBE, teaches students landscapes, cultures, local heritages, and experiences in the environment. Also, it plants a seed to teaching students about the basics of History, English, Mathematics and Science. It assists students in learning by doing community projects, which are very important to the environment in need teaching children that group work for one goal is the best way to complete a task.

These are three goals this website offers about Place Base Education

Place-based education can "feed three birds with the same seed" as it addresses the integrated goals of:

Student Achievement

PBE boosts students' engagement, academic achievement, and sense of personal efficacy as stewards of their local environment and community. It also can re-energize teachers.

Community Social and Economic Vitality

PBE forges strong ties between local social and environmental organizations and their constituencies in the schools and community, which helps to improve quality of life and economic vitality.

Ecological Integrity

Through project-based learning, students make tangible contributions to resolving local environmental issues and conserving local environmental quality.

I found this picture at

This the Delta College Honors Program at an adopt a highway sign in Michigan. This project strives to keep the state of Michigan clean within three miles of highway. This is a great idea for Student Service Projects, cleaning and working together, key components of life.

I found this picture at

This was a service project at Belmont University in which goods were collected and sent to Haiti for the earthquake victims.

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